Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy 9th Birthday Kaden!

I can't believe Kaden turned 9! He's growing up SO fast! Well for his birthday we just had a few family members over for cake and ice cream. First thing in the morning we hid his presents so he had to go on a treasure hunt to find them. He was so funny; he kept asking me if I was having any contractions because he wanted me to have the baby on his birthday so they could have the same birthday. He told me that was all he wanted! I told him that it may sound cool now but as he gets older he will want to have his own day. I was hoping that I did not have the baby on Kaden's birthday; I just wanted them to have their "own" days. I wasn't feeling so hot on his birthday so we just hung out at home and he played with his new air soft gun! I just had a feeling that the lil one may come sooner than later so I rested all day ... I guess my instincts were right cuz at midnight I went into labor! ;)


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day


Hubby & Wifey Krissie, Ty & Heather

Kristen, Ty & Mom Ty & his Mom Michelle
Me & my Mom went to lunch to celebrate Mother's Day!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Kaden's school project

Kaden had a project in school where they had to choose someone to learn about and then dress up as that person for a wax museum project that his 3rd grade class was doing. Kaden choose to learn about Ty Cobb the baseball player. Ty was named after Ty Cobb and that made Kaden interested in learning about him. He did a wonderful job on his research and we were impressed with how well he pretended to be a wax figure of Ty Cobb. He really did a great job on this project!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

My 1st Baby Shower

My BFF Brizzz and my closest friends threw me an AWESOME baby shower! It was a lot of fun & I got spoiled with great gifts for the lil bambino! Thank you for the shower girls and thank you to everyone who came & all the thoughtful gifts! Love you all!

Tracy, Brandi, Triana & I
Me & my Mom!

Me & my Sis-in-law
Emily & I and our boys!
Best Friends since 3rd grade!

Flipe & I
<-----Der-eka & I

Triana & I
<-----Chelsie & I
Tavi & I

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Our lil Soccer player!

Introducing out lil Soccer player! In the Spring Kaden usually plays baseball but this year he decided he wanted to play soccer again! He first played Soccer when he was 3 years old and hasn't played on a team since. Of course, he jumped right on in and played like a pro! We all think that it is the perfect sport for him! He really enjoyed it and I gotta say we loved being "soccer parents"! :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

33 Weeks!

Wow, this baby boy is growing at a rapid pace! I thought as I got bigger his movements would slow down but he is doing just the opposite! After work we met with our Realtor and looked at several homes for sale; I swear the entire time he just danced around! I can tell already that he is going to be a handful! ;0)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Our In-house ZOO! ;)

<----- Marley
Okie ----->

Simba ----->